Butcombe Brewing Co.

Anyone who is used to drinking in the Bristol area will be fairly famialir with a delicious pint of Butcombe original, however, are you aware of what else they brew in Somerset? 

Bristol born and made to stand out, Butcombe Brewing Co. began life at a time of cultural, social and political change, crafting beer before ‘craft beer’ was even a thing.

You see, at that time, no one was risking it all starting a brewery, making simple, premium, easy-drinking ale. But, 44 years and a lot of hard graft later, by staying true to their beliefs and Bristolian roots, it looks like owning a resolutely maverick brewing company isn’t such a crazy idea after all. By going against the grain, to work intimately with it, they made our own statement with every pint.

Butcombe now produces over 170,000 pints a week from their brewery in Wrington, Somerset. As times and tastes change, so does their range of beers. Alongside Original, Gold and Rare Breed, you’ll find two craft lagers, Bohemia and Underfall, and two IPAs, Goram and Stateside, plus a range of exciting seasonal and small batch specials.

In this masterclass you’ll get the chance to taste three of their beers:

  • Butcombe Original, their flagship brew and the beer that started the brewery. Original is now a UK Top Ten selling cask beer, so for the uninitiated we will be exploring Butcombes best selling beer.
  • You will also be tasting one of their newest beers, Tall Tales. A pale ale that aligns itself with the craft beer movement with notes of lemon, grapefruit and pineapple.
  • And the final beer tasting will be Goram Zero, the award winning non alcoholic IPA, that in its short life has already wone several prestigious gold medals.

Leading the tastings will be Simon Court one of Butcombe’s lead brewers and Simon Dehany the brand manager for the brewery.